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All my work, my life, everything I do is about survival, not just bare, awful, plodding survival, but survival with grace and faith. While one may encounter many defeats, one must not be defeated.
 By: Maya Angelou

Life is a Muss,
Age so ripe that rest has taken place,
Her dancing away so aching, remembering her flows tears,
Called to eternal home where all mankind submerges out of earth,

Stubborn  with her passion made her a Heroine,
Zeal so daring, Fire non quenching and goals reached,
Her imperfections made her uniquely a saint,
She strode with a strength of an eagle.

Her faith was patient  and it endured,
Heights attained became a ladder for willing hearts,
Criticisms catapulted  the queenship of her personality,
I call her JACK with a Mastering spirit.

Her reincarnation from being a caged bird grew a tree,
And it's fruit gave strength to the lives of many,
Knew her not, heard her not, Nevertheless, A review drove my pen to pen.
My love for you still lingers.
Live on ICON.
         By: Ezenwa chinelo.
